Tony's Review:
This is the first slinger we've had so far that neither of us had enjoyed before, needless to say the excitement level was through the roof. Located not far from Busch stadium we had the "pleasure" of eating most of our slinger with a group of drunk die-hard Cardinal's fans. Luckily the Cardinals won that day so they were in high spirits and not trying to kick our asses because we didn't want to watch them play pinball.

The slinger was the opposite of annoying, probably one of the smaller ones we've eaten which is not a bad thing. The hash browns were fine, well cooked just nothing amazing, burger was the same just ok, the chili was pretty good I don't know if it is homemade but it had chunks of ground beef in there which gets a high five from me and the onions on top were excellent. Everything worked really well together on this slinger which not many have done yet, and again we left Eat-Rite feeling good and not the usual instant depression we've been going through for this past few weeks.
I'm glad we popped our slinger cherry on this place together and it was a definite surprise in the flavor department. I'm slapping a
7.5 on this bad mother.
Tim's Review:

Eat Rite doesn't look like much.
Actually, from the outside, it kind of looks like a dump. So
expectations were set reasonably low and I was thinking this slinger
would be average at its very best. But Damn!! what a nice surprise.
Eat Rite turned out to be a solid diner. I got little nervous
because when I first got there and the cook was making some burgers
for someone else, I over hear her mention that she does alright
making burgers, but breakfast still needed a lot of practice. Not
really building up any excitement for this breakfast meal that I'm
about to eat. But she was determined to turn out some good dishes.
Before we ordered she actually started another round of 6 burgers (6
for $5), and I guess they weren't up to her standards because all the
them went right into the trash! Seemed like a waste of food to me,
but the point is, she is proud of her craft.
It's a little hard to say exactly why,
but this slinger was great. The burger was the normal, the eggs
turned out fine, I thought the hash browns were a little better than
average. Seems a little odd, but my favorite part of this slinger
may have been the way the onions were cut in thin little strips.
And the size was perfect.
This biggest problem with this place,
as Tony mentioned, was the annoying baseball fans.
Eat Rite gets a 8.25
I'll hold out for the perfect 10 slinger.