The Mud House is easily one of St. Louis' best and more importantly, most consistent places for breakfast for as long as I can remember. This place is usually busy with Q-Tips (Grams and Gramps), visiting parents and cool guys and girls just like you, you cool reader, but don't fret cranky pants it's worth the wait. I've purposefully held off on eating the slinger here in anticipation of this tour and I'm glad I did.
To start the slinger is only $6.50 which is crazy cheap especially for a classy joint like the Mud House (add bacon for $2 which is a mandatory unless you are a dummy and vegetarian). I mean just look at that arty photo up there and you can see how good it is, The egg for once is the star of the show, perfectly cooked and carefully placed on top of Flavor Mountain, USA. Below that is a vegetarian black bean chili, roasted potatoes, little bit of cheese and onion (this is where the bacon comes in handy which was thick and tasty as hell). Even the toast that came with was awesome and not just Wonder Bread like most places. The whole thing just worked so well together and every bite was top notch, it wasn't too big and for once on this tour I wish it was a little bigger so I could get fatter eating it.
Now by no means is this a traditional slinger, which I learned after eating this slinger doesn't even matter any more, every thing on the plate was awesome and it worked great as a whole. I don't care if places use fancy ingredients, change things and call it a slinger, Mud House has taught me that none of that matters. I thought about this a lot but knew pretty much by the end of the meal that this was my new #1 slinger. Congratulations Mud House there's a new hip slinger in town, he's an Aquarius, he's vegetarian and ladies...he's single.
Tim's Review: Before a nice long day of antiquing on Cherokee, there's no better place for breakfast than the Mud House. I've been here a handful of times before and this place hasn't failed me yet. I've had the french toast: it's fucking great, the breakfast burrito: one of the best, and the slinger is no exception.
Perhaps one of the most beautifully
cooked eggs I've ever had, with a nice little crisp around the edges
and a perfectly runny yolk. Instead of the normal slinger plate that
has everything swimming underneath a gallon of chili, the egg sits on
top of roasted potatoes and black bean chili (which I believe is also
in the awesome breakfast burrito I was talking about earlier). I can
only suspect that the egg sits on top because it is so goddamn
pretty. No offense to the chili, but the egg is the star of this
show. Besides that egg, the great thing about this plate
is that it was the perfect mix of everything and I actually felt good
after eating it. You also have the option of adding three, big fat
strips of bacon, and if you don't add the bacon, you're a jackass. The
bacon is worth every penny.
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