Tony's Review: Now I don't know a ton about Soulard, nor do I spend a lot of time there but this place is a tiny and extremely hidden diner. Pretty straightforward in terms of diners and I wish we would of gone hear earlier in the tour when we trying to hit all of the diners at once but we blew it. Please stop yelling at us.
Billie's sticks to the classics with their giant slinger with zero thrills, potatoes, sausage, chili and eggs, we even had to add cheese and onion which actually turned out to be a mistake. They overloaded this thing with cheese that sucked and way too many onions, the picture doesn't do it justice with how much crap was on here.

Again, this review would of been more interesting if we had eaten it in the beginning of the tour but now it just falls flat. Billie's does seem like a legit place that is open late on the weekends (but you have to deal with Soulard bros) and the service was awesome here, like the great Steve Brule says, "Check it out, ya dingus."
Tim's Review:

We haven't been to an old school diner
like this in a while and with a name like Billie's Fine Food, it's
not really what I was expecting. What's with these old bags at
diner's always trying to act like they're the meanest, rudest,
sassiest bitches around? That old lady, Rose, that worked at
Tiffany's would stare you down like she was about to kill you. Then
there was the other old lady at Tiffany's, that looked exactly like
Rose, who thought she was tough shit. I'm not scared of these
granny's for a second. They always give the best service. My point
is, despite the intimidating sign on the wall, Billie's is a nice,
super friendly place. Maybe this Mary bitch had the day off.
Their slinger was your standard plate of
slop. I wish I would have kept my damn mouth shut about the cheese
and onions, because they piled waaaaaaay to much of that shit on
there. Then there was the toast buried under everything. Not sure
exactly what the problem was because other slingers have done this
before and it turned out fine. This toast was instantly soggy and
had to be pushed to side.
Overall, Billie's seemed like decent
place. I would just never, ever get the slinger again.
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